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5 Best Websites for Free Mockups (2022)

Mockups are a great alternatives way to enhance your design work, it will be help to make your design process much easier and also help to enhance your portfolio either for web or graphic design. Here are the top 5 best website to find free mockups.
the ordinary product line

Why is Packaging Important

First impressions are important as the packaging on a product matters just as much as the product itself. Because no matter how good your product is, poor packaging design will drag sales down.

July 18, 2022

black and silver laptop computer

How to Create a Brand Identity (Step by Step)

Brand identity needs to be clear, and it needs to be the same no matter where it’s displayed. Here are seven (7) steps to create a unique and memorable brand.

June 29, 2022

starbucks coffee on a wooden table beside a laptop

Why is Brand Identity So Important

Creating a cohesive and consistent brand identity for your company will boost your success and help you stand out from your competitors by using design to its fullest potential.

June 14, 2022

blank cream tube on fresh chestnut leaf

5 Best Websites for Free Mockups (2022)

Mockups are a great alternatives way to enhance your design work, it will be help to make your design process much easier and also help to enhance your portfolio either for web or graphic design. Here are the top 5 best website to find free mockups.

April 21, 2022

Sustainable Packaging: 5 Tips to Make Your Packaging More Sustainable

Sustainable packaging is becoming a higher priority for both brands and consumers - more now than ever before. Make your business eco friendly.

March 1, 2022

full frame shot of computer

How to Create a Branded Website

A branded website is all about understanding your key visual elements, and ensuring the experience is as good as possible. Here are a few things you can do to build a branded website.

January 26, 2022

What is Considered Branded Content?

Branded content is a marketing technique that involves creating content that is directly linked to a brand, allowing consumers to connect with it. Here's how you can use it for you brand.

January 18, 2022

pictures of brand design and color placed on wall

How to Create a Cohesive Brand

Building a cohesive brand is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Here are 4 tips on how to can create a cohesive brand.

December 31, 2021

The Brander's Journal 📝🍵

My thoughts on industry trends, tips and tricks on how to make running your business easier, how to improve your client experience, exclusive discounts and template updates and of course, life updates.